Fully mod and completely upgrade all weapons.
The Professional – Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Fully mod and completely upgrade all weapons.
love a good story
Fully mod and completely upgrade all weapons.
Fully mod and completely upgrade all weapons.
Find all documents, relics and GPS caches.
Find all documents, relics and GPS caches.
Complete all challenges.
Complete all challenges.
I’ve not been writing as often as I’d like this last week. Partly this is due to my having done the Birmingham International Marathon last Sunday and being in recovery from a knee injury from that. But I know that’s a pathetic excuse – there’s always my phone that I can write posts on after … Continue reading “It’s been a while”
I’ve not been writing as often as I’d like this last week. Partly this is due to my having done the Birmingham International Marathon last Sunday and being in recovery from a knee injury from that. But I know that’s a pathetic excuse – there’s always my phone that I can write posts on after all.
That being said I am currently putting together a structure, a strategy if you like, for planning writing and publishing posts at a more consistent rate. Once it is all put together I’ll put together a list of the programs and services I am using for it.
I had a goal a few weeks back of getting to this site to have 250 published posts in total by Christmas day 2017. This post will be number 182 so I’m not sure if I’ll successfully manage 250 by then. But I will give it a good try.
Going to be going pumpkin picking tomorrow but don’t know what I’m going to theme my pumpkin on this year. Last year’s was Pinhead from Hellraiser. I’d love to hear some suggestions from you.
Take care, Dave.
I did the Birmingham International Marathon and would really appreciate any donations for the Brum Childrens Hospital – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bad-man-ting
Complete all optional tombs.
Complete all optional tombs.
Purchase all skills in all categories.
Purchase all skills in all categories.
Find 75% of GPS caches.
Find 75% of GPS caches.
Collect 75% of all relics.
Collect 75% of all relics.
Kill and loot 10 small animals (rabbits, chickens, rats).
Kill and loot 10 small animals (rabbits, chickens, rats).
Complete the game.
Complete the game.
Find 75% of all documents.
Find 75% of all documents.
Purchase all skills in one category.
Purchase all skills in one category.
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.
Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost.
Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost.
Sometimes the words just don’t flow. Took me two nights to write a little post about a collection of short manga stories.