Complete a match on Hometown with at least 5 downs or executions
Hometown – The Last of Us Remastered
Complete a match on Hometown with at least 5 downs or executions
love a good story
Complete a match on Hometown with at least 5 downs or executions
Complete a match on Hometown with at least 5 downs or executions
No TV show goes to places in the way that Twin Peaks does, or indeed even did when its first series aired.
I’m not talking about level of graphic violence or any sort of shock factor; I’m talking sheer originality. Twin Peaks always has been, and always will be, completely original. From the unique collaboration of David Lynch and Mark Frost, this series has such a depth of story, location, and character that it is a place I’d love to live in real life – even when it’s completely terrifying.
When people keep talking about the default shows – namely Game of Thrones at the time of writing, I can’t help but roll my eyes a little. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I really like Game of Thrones, but nothing gets under my skin quite like Twin Peaks does. I try to describe it in a way to get other people into it too. I find it hard to put into words but I try. It’s like that feeling of butterflies in your stomach when there’s a huge moment of realisation or connection between characters and / or events. Of course many other series have those reveals, but I honestly don’t think any other show does it in quite the same way.
Anyone who has seen some of David Lynch’s films should know what I mean about his unique style. He has a certain vision and confidence in that vision to bring truly unique stories, visuals and sounds to the screen. This is no different in the new series of Twin Peaks. If anything his years of cinema between the original series and now, have in the very least strengthened his confidence in his vision.
Twin Peaks has evolved into 100% unfiltered David Lynch, based on the ideas of both Lynch and Frost, and I fucking love it.
Drove the Regalia.
Drove the Regalia.
Learned first ability.
Learned first ability.
I’ve just been reading about how a decision today could potentially lead to the end of SoundCloud. The company has just been saved by a couple of investors but still may be gone very soon. I’ve discovered some great artists through SoundCloud and will be somewhat saddened if / when it does indeed die. It … Continue reading “I would miss SoundCloud”
I’ve just been reading about how a decision today could potentially lead to the end of SoundCloud. The company has just been saved by a couple of investors but still may be gone very soon.
I’ve discovered some great artists through SoundCloud and will be somewhat saddened if / when it does indeed die.
It also makes me think whether or not I could create a similar service to take it’s place. I know there is Spotify and Google Play et al, but those just don’t seem to me to have the same heart as SoundCloud.
I’m finding I’m taking my blog way too seriously. Instead of just writing; checking; and publishing, I’m leaving posts in draft worried they are not professional enough. This is stupid. This website is for me and me alone. I’m currently writing (have written) a long post about my experience with playing Life is Strange and … Continue reading “Taking my blog too serious”
I’m finding I’m taking my blog way too seriously. Instead of just writing; checking; and publishing, I’m leaving posts in draft worried they are not professional enough.
This is stupid.
This website is for me and me alone. I’m currently writing (have written) a long post about my experience with playing Life is Strange and I’m too busy trying to make it sound like a professional review to actually publish it.
From a couple of podcasts I’ve listened to recently I have found this is a common issue for bloggers.
I’m going to do my very best to not censor or judge myself too much. Instead I’m gonna do my very best to just get writing every single day.
In this spirit I’m not going to proof read this post – instead I’m just gonna press publish…
Complete one optional tomb.
Complete one optional tomb.
Completed 5 sidequests.
Completed 5 sidequests.
Completed first hunt.
Completed first hunt.
Crafted a spell for the first time.
Crafted a spell for the first time.
Improved cooking level for the first time.
Improved cooking level for the first time.
Completed Chapter 2.
Completed Chapter 2.
Initiated first link-strike after parrying an attack.
Initiated first link-strike after parrying an attack.
Complete one challenge.
Complete one challenge.
There’s an electricity in the air today; thunder and lightning and a quick downpour has recharged the air outside. I often prefer the weather like this when at home – there’s something about being indoors when outside is like that.
Of course a lot of people have no choice but to be out in that sort of weather. Please consider donating to Homeless Link today.
p.s. This post started off as just a quick personal note; a status update. However, in the course of writing those two paragraphs it made me think of other things. This in turn led to my seeking out, discovering and linking to Homeless Link. If nothing else, this has confirmed that I really should be writing every day – for myself; not just for any potential readers.
And if I can help others along the way then that’s an added bonus.
I got Sam killed in Until Dawn. I’m devastated.