I am so hyped for series 2 so thought I’d share the trailers for it here.
Day out taking Henners to the park. He loved it and didn’t want to leave.
I need to get fit enough to run this area in the early mornings.
Here’s a picture of a swan we fed peas to.
A white swan on a lake shore. 📂 Journal -
My old boss, and someone I consider a friend — Andy Hawthorne, has recently started blogging. And the posts are coming in thick and fast.
Love his writing style and sense of humor that comes through the page.
Life, photography and work…
Just wanted to share his website out.
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Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn Summers Gutted to hear the sad news that Michelle Trachtenberg, who played Dawn from series 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, has died at only 39 years old.
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I couldn’t agree more. Excellent post thanks.
ive kept my own website for about 10 years now and it’s gone through a bunch of migrations to different platforms / frameworks.
Settled on wordpress for now but have a laravel one I’ve built with wordpress importers ready to go. 🤣
kind of obsessed with my website.
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And so it ends, V
Finished the end of the main storyline of Cyberpunk 2077. My choices led me far away.
Great game. Now to 100% achievement complete it.
Scuba Judy
Just before a scuba diving mission. It was a really cool mission and ended with the joining of Judy and V.
Days gone PS5 remaster is finally coming!!!
One of my favourite games I’ve ever played. It’s incredible.
Can’t wait to replay this again.
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My single criticism of The I.T. crowd is this:
“Track 4 Coffin Fodder”
Coffin Fodder is the 9th song on the Nymphetamine album.
That is all. 🙂
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the world is in an absolute shit show of a state.
its incrdedibly depressing to watch it unfold and have zero power to do anything.
really getting to me today. And I shouldn’t complain because most people have it much worse off than me.
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Finding Lauren
Side mission to rescue some guy’s wife — Lauren. I love these side missions. Sneaking in to places to hack something / rescue someone / steal something.