Welcome to my personal website.

Pretty much everything that I post online now starts life here.

You can follow me and my site on the Fediverse by searching for this: @david@davidpeach.me

  • Making a base template directory for all future work. WordPress with grunt ready to roll and lots of sample code for cool WordPress stuff.

  • Are there any Web designers / developers out there who would be interested in putting together some sort of regular meet up?

  • Think it’s time for a change of avatar.

  • @NatashaaMooree aye up! You watched Back to the future yet?

  • Just started using @instagram Liking the UI. Think I’m gonna try and start using it at least once a day

  • This video series is awesome! I’ve only tinkered with basic sass functionality and this series (@YouTube http://t.co/s2vMDUnK)

  • Omg I had no idea about all these @compass mixins. where have I been?

  • One month till @MKGeekNight ! It’s gonna be awesome people! I’m hoping to get down there earlier in day to see some of MK. Suggestions?

  • Each moment I spend working with @WordPress, I am impressed more and more by it’s flexibility and awesome power.

  • @missrachilli How you getting on with @github ? I really love working with it now!