When I took a trip to Paris a few years back, I had to pop into an internet cafe to find the location of a place I was after. Because – it seemed – I was hopelessly ill-prepared. So I paid my money to the nice man in the corner; sat down; quickly typed my […]
Rescue Keith from Buck.
Jumping the Shark
The term jumping the shark, I discovered today, is an idiom that is a way of describing when a television show’s quality begins to decline. It originated from the television show Happy Days in its season five premiere, where The Fonz literally jumped over a contained shark on a beach front. This was quite a […]
Cabin Pressure is brilliant. Listened to first 2 on way home.
If you watch 4 episodes of #24 each day from tomorrow till day before premiere of #24liveanotherday you can catch up on all. #jackisback
You cleaned out Vangelico to pay back Martin Madrazo.
WYSIWYGs will kill us all
So okay, maybe they wont literally kill us all, but you’ve got to admit — they can be pretty damn annoying. At least with ones I have used. I’m not dissing wysiwygs — just what they get used for. Firstly let me just say that I use a wysiwyg editor on my own blog and […]
Rescue Oliver from the pirates.
Full Bars – Far Cry 3
Activate 9 radio towers.
On the run – Far Cry 2
Escape the Town
Kill a target from 70m or more with the bow (Single Player only).
Spend $5000 at the shop.
Craft 25 syringes.
One of Us – Far Cry 3
Complete the Rakyat initiation.
Farcry 3 is absolutely stunning.
Road Trip – Far Cry 3
Complete a Supply Drop quest.