Got my @ingress invite!!!
Want to see django unchained… Right now
@davatron5000 which famous pop group enjoy coding in javascript?…
Just installed @yeoman on my windows machine and it works like a dream!
Im learning me some twitter bootstrap.
My favourite guitar riff could well be sign of the times by prince
Oh my god i forgot how awesome this dream theater album is. #imagesandwords
@karl33to aye up! That emmet is awesome. Works in css as well.
Today’s mission: Finish my maps plugin.
Saw this in my collection and thought of @kevatron500
@jeffrey_way just watched your sublime text 2 perfect workflow vids. Thanks, am learning loads!
Beloch’s staff is too long… They’re digging in the wrong place.
Emmet for sublime text 2 is awesome.
Just started using the awesome prism.js by @LeaVerou . Its definately worth a look. Code highlighting FTW!
grunt watch –force
Feeling like pap. Turns out minecraft is awesome though.