@MrChom ive just read the first uzumaki. Im hooked!
I can not wait to get all my films playing through xbmc.
My new site is almost ready! Just need to change statics files for jekyll framework and customize a wufoo form. But first… Walking dead.
Really excited about my redesigned website. A lot more focused it feels. Hoping to get it out by mid week next week.
So tescos have decided to do work all night which will probably keep me up all night. Awesome!!!
Oh my god. Mental micky is gonna be at this months memorabilia fair in birmingham. #idotheonetwothreefours
Redesigning website using atomic design concepts. Has helped me so much in designing a much more succinct design.
…’glimmer’, in the fictional film, is the name of a comporation and felt similar to silver shamrock in halloween 3 season of the witch.
Just woke to nightmare of fictional eighties horror ‘glimmer’ where @Markgatiss and @stevepemberton were aliens dressed as busnessmen…
The squirrel is no match for me
Oh my god this game is bloody addictive.
You stumble upon a naked monkey wizard…
“Candy Box” game
Think im gonna install xbmc tonight and have a play.
The Prentice Redemption. #addprenticeruinafilm
Its official. I actually hate commuting.