New #ArcadeFire album to stream
@richardwiggins can you recommend any artists similar to bat for lashes and goldfrapp. Really digging the female vocals atm!
The streets of fire soundtrack has really grown on me.
New arcade fire album out monday. Yes yes and yes. #arcadefire
The more i play with @jekyllrb the more i like it.
Just watched a lecture with @ProfBrianCox about #quantumphysics. Absolutely fascinating. Want to learn more now.
Writing blog posts is time consuming. If only there were some kind of zombie appocalypse drama to break the time up…
Always last on the train…
This is frickin awesome. Got remote desktop up and running for pi. I know im a noob but its fun dammit!
The pi…is running.
Raspberry pi up and running with wifi dongle. Now to get passed ‘permission denied’ when trying ssh
The voice acting in resident evil 2 is truly great.
@MrChom happy birthday, birthday buddy!
If you’re not using @Modernizr yet, get on it! Cant get over how handy it is.