Cleaning up all the CSS on my blog before possibly moving it to my other URL.
Blog back working. Silly me mucked it up. But lessons have been learnt.
My blog is currently broken. Try to fix it tonight people! Peace.
I just backed Screencasting a Complete Redesign on @Kickstarter
With @TheSassWay you can pass both names and hex values into rgba(). E.g. rgba(purple, 0.5) and rgba(#fff, 0.2) both work great!
#depechemode ftw!
@rem do you know of any issues with addEventListener not firing in Firefox? Random question I know, but thanks in advance.
Making the landing page for #canvasloveballs Web app. Aiming to get the beta version online by Friday. Night all.
So i’ve started digging into #wordpress and building a complete new theme for use when I move my site over to my other URL.
Get back to your workstation!
First film watched on #netflix . Rumble in the Bronx!
You should hear me play Pi-an-ooooh #thequeenisdead
My drawing Web app is well underway, and I’ll be sharing code on #github when complete.
#automaticforthepeople Monty got a raw deal
New contact lenses = Superman vision