Blog back working. Silly me mucked it up. But lessons have been learnt.
My blog is currently broken. Try to fix it tonight people! Peace.
I just backed Screencasting a Complete Redesign on @Kickstarter
With @TheSassWay you can pass both names and hex values into rgba(). E.g. rgba(purple, 0.5) and rgba(#fff, 0.2) both work great!
#depechemode ftw!
@rem do you know of any issues with addEventListener not firing in Firefox? Random question I know, but thanks in advance.
Making the landing page for #canvasloveballs Web app. Aiming to get the beta version online by Friday. Night all.
So i’ve started digging into #wordpress and building a complete new theme for use when I move my site over to my other URL.
Get back to your workstation!
First film watched on #netflix . Rumble in the Bronx!
You should hear me play Pi-an-ooooh #thequeenisdead
My drawing Web app is well underway, and I’ll be sharing code on #github when complete.
#automaticforthepeople Monty got a raw deal
New contact lenses = Superman vision
Found my canvas drawing webapp I made. Thought id lost it. Just working out all styling then I’ll upload to my site. Peace.