If you were Sam Beckett from #quantumleap who would you want to be your ‘Al’? Mine would be Kris Kristofferson.
I bloody love #davidbowie #heathen
Just watched the ghost. Good film! I recommend. Inspires me to watch more Polanski films. Recommendations?
Please pinky watch the road. #crazyclowntime
Learning some awesome webgl. Its the future!
Two ducks have just crossed a busy road in #Fazeley after looking both ways. #alessonforall
Do you guys know about the YouTube remote control app?
God damn you, specificity!
There are no David Bowie albums that are not frickin awesome. What’s you’re fave peeps?
Blog is coded! Just need styling finished then I’m online. Booya!
Just watched Poseidon Adventure for the first time.
McDonald’s is kinda like the band Oasis. You kinda like what they do, though you wont always admit it, and both attract cunts.