@jeffrey_way hi there. Just rewatching your 30 days of jQuery. Love your teaching style. Just learnt about deferreds. Thanks!
Nearly finished styling the worm game final version. compatible with mobile also!
Evolution, not revolution. Cuz that’s me. I evolve, but I don’t revolve.
Gonna give WordPress another go. Something tells me it will pay off if I persist. Night all.
preventDefault(); FTW! Night all.
Google maps makes life look like GTA
I can heartily recommend the snack van outside #tamworthstation . Friendly and the tea actually tastes like tea.
I…love…Sass. (its a CSS pre processor)
New found love of PHP. #inspired
After realizing I can’t get on with WordPress, i’ve began coding my blog website from scratch. this will be the sixth try #learnbydoing