@jeffrey_way hi there. Just rewatching your 30 days of jQuery. Love your teaching style. Just learnt about deferreds. Thanks!
Tonight’s viewing. #videodrome
Nearly finished styling the worm game final version. compatible with mobile also!
Website thus far.
Evolution, not revolution. Cuz that’s me. I evolve, but I don’t revolve.
Gonna give WordPress another go. Something tells me it will pay off if I persist. Night all.
preventDefault(); FTW! Night all.
I like this
Where I got to dine today. #avit
Google maps makes life look like GTA
I can heartily recommend the snack van outside #tamworthstation . Friendly and the tea actually tastes like tea.
The friendliest folks in town wishing me good luck.
I…love…Sass. (its a CSS pre processor)
New found love of PHP. #inspired
After realizing I can’t get on with WordPress, i’ve began coding my blog website from scratch. this will be the sixth try #learnbydoing