After FOUR HOURS of trying to figure out a php problem… I fail.
I met Rolagar once when he locked me in the Tower of Dungeons. #rolagar
Html Canvas demo coming along nicely. Just designing the interface, then you can experiment with making funky pics in the browser. Peace!
Co-op dinner. As shocking as ever. Only this time with more rubber. Why do I do it?
Ya know that new sound you were looking for? Well listen to this!
@chriscoyier finally taking the step into sass. Cheers for recommending!
Scrambled eggs take bloody ages. #bloodyannoyingfoodstocook
Intellectual people on the peasant wagon again as always.
Sneak preview of something I’m working on at the moment. Night all.
I bloody love the web
Night all.
@doctorkk hi Alan. Will you be touring in UK soon?
Soloing Molten Core. #awesomewarlock
Everyone out there, put down your phone, stock Genesis song ‘mama’ on REALLY LOUD, and get goosebumps.
World of warcraft while listening to holywood on new stereo.
Finished worm game. Thought I’d then try out demonology spec.