#awesomemoviealert running man on film 4. Buzzsaw! He touched me! You see that? Buzzsaw touched me.
Just found the ‘triple triad’ card game from final fantasy 8 as an app. Rock on!
@kevatron500 I’m working on a similar film idea. But it’s based around noel’s house party.
Just sat through black swan again. Fantastic film. I need to watch more movies.
Latest opera mobile browser has webGL support. Av it!
@rickygervais just remembered a great quote, “it’d be spitefull to put a jellyfish in a trifle” classic.
@DerrenBrown hey there Derren. I saw the show in Birmingham last year and loved it! Cheers!
@DAVID_LYNCH how’s Annie?
Working on my website. Getting there…slowly.
Javascript ‘snake’ game almost complete. Right mission. But great learning curve. Just need to add in the apples. Peace!
@officialgiggs hey man. Big fan. looking forward to new album. Take ya hats off rocks!
I want my Garmonbozia
This week’s mission: finish Bdbl.
The canvas love ball version 1 is nearing completion. Just a bit of fun but should be pretty cool. Link coming soon. 🙂
Tonight I’ll be uploading version 1 of my canvas love ball at davidpea.ch/canvas-love-ball . Check it out later, peeps!