Looking Up
Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests – Horizon Forbidden West
Completed 2 quests that required a flying mount.
Completed 2 quests that required a flying mount.
Enhanced Weapon with Coils – Horizon Forbidden West
Equipped a weapon of any tier with 2 coils.
Equipped a weapon of any tier with 2 coils.
Performed 3 Melee Combos – Horizon Forbidden West
Successfully performed 3 different unlockable melee combos.
Successfully performed 3 different unlockable melee combos.
Reached Level 50 – Horizon Forbidden West
Reached player level 50.
Reached player level 50.
Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting Ground – Horizon Forbidden West
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
Obtained All Weapon Classes – Horizon Forbidden West
Obtained 1 weapon from every weapon class.
Obtained 1 weapon from every weapon class.
Completed 4 Rebel Outposts – Horizon Forbidden West
Defeated the outpost leader and recovered the tags from 4 Rebel Outposts.
Defeated the outpost leader and recovered the tags from 4 Rebel Outposts.
Recovered Alva’s Data – Horizon Forbidden West
Helped Alva retrieve data to help the Quen.
Helped Alva retrieve data to help the Quen.
Discovered Nemesis – Horizon Forbidden West
Put an end to the Zenith threat and discovered Nemesis.
Put an end to the Zenith threat and discovered Nemesis.
All Machine Types Scanned – Horizon Forbidden West
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine.
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine.
Picked up 5 Heavy Weapons – Horizon Forbidden West
Picked up 5 different heavy weapons.
Picked up 5 different heavy weapons.
Aided Kotallo – Horizon Forbidden West
Helped Kotallo build and test a mechanized arm.
Helped Kotallo build and test a mechanized arm.
Flew on the Wings of the Ten – Horizon Forbidden West
Flew into battle and vanquished Regalla.
Flew into battle and vanquished Regalla.
Healed the Land-gods – Horizon Forbidden West
Helped Zo reboot the land-gods to save Plainsong.
Helped Zo reboot the land-gods to save Plainsong.