Bronze Playstation Achievements

Basically Training – Ratchet & Clank

Complete the Ranger tryouts on Veldin.

Playstation Achievements Silver

Healthy Obsession – Dead by Daylight

Heal other Survivors marked as the Obsession for a total of 10 health states in public matches.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

Birth of a Legend – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Complete at least 10 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of “Legend,” “Legend of Legends,” or “Legend of Legends of Legends.”

Bronze Playstation Achievements

Rest In Pieces – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

In a BT area, cut an umbilical cord for the first time without the BT noticing.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

A Helping Hand – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Issue your first supply request.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

Childminder – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Reach maximum connection level with BB.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

“BB” – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Complete Episode 7: Clifford.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

BBs: A Bridge Between This World and the One Beyond – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Complete Episode 6: Deadman.


Preview Laravel’s migrations with the pretend flag

Here is the command to preview your Laravel migrations without running them: Laravel’s migrations give us the power to easily version control our database schema creations and updates. In a recent task at work, I needed to find out why a particular migration was failing. This is when I discovered the simple but super-useful flag […]

Bronze Playstation Achievements

The Post Guides the Present – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Read 100 mails.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

We’re Whole Again – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Complete Episode 5: Mama.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

Soothing Sounds – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Use the music player for the first time.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

Soak and Sigh – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Take your first hot spring bath.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

BB… – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Complete Episode 4: Unger.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

I Won’t Break – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Complete Episode 3: Fragile.

Bronze Playstation Achievements

Hooked on Delivering!? – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Deliver 700 items of cargo.