Crescent Food Mart
Bath time
Rebirth – Journey
Finish the game and return to the beginning.
Finish the game and return to the beginning.
Trials – Journey
Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf.
Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf.
Lake at Iron Butte
The People’s Porter – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Reach a total of 2,400 Likes on the Results Screen.
Reach a total of 2,400 Likes on the Results Screen.
Boots Are a Porter’s Best Friend – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Change footwear for the first time.
Change footwear for the first time.
Giver of Gifts – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Make your first donation of weapons, equipment, etc.
Make your first donation of weapons, equipment, etc.
Building Bridges – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Reach Bridge Link Grade 1.
Reach Bridge Link Grade 1.
Prominent Porter – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Reach Grade 10 in any delivery evaluation category.
Reach Grade 10 in any delivery evaluation category.
Well Connected – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Reach connection level three with a facility.
Reach connection level three with a facility.
A New Day for the UCA – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA.
Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA.
Apprentice Builder – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Complete your first structure (signs, ladders, and climbing anchors also count.)
Complete your first structure (signs, ladders, and climbing anchors also count.)
Rebuilding America – Death Stranding: Director’s Cut
Complete Episode 1: Bridget.
Complete Episode 1: Bridget.