If you’re new to the internet, allow me to give you a brief explanation. The “Internet” is series of connected networks across the world that form bigger networks. A network is a series of connected things (computers and routers in the case of the internet). The world wide web (www) sits on top of the […]
Knock all the letters of Gregory’s name into the bathtub
Clear all balls off the pool table
Play Calvin’s story again
Let the drunken sailor finish his song
Catch 2 rabbits with only 2 swoops
As always, the next series of American Horror Story — Double Feature — looks insane.
It’s been a couple of weeks, but I wanted to write up a quick post documenting Guerrilla featuring my virtual photography shot on the 3rd July 2021. To see all the messages coming in from people who like the picture was amazing — thank you to all of you. Link to Guerrilla’s tweet on Twitter: […]
Complete the aiming training
Achieve a merciless victory with The Nemesis using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
The opening episode to one of my favourite ever tv series. Buffy Summers arrives in Sunnydale and meets the people who will come to form her close circle of friends. I’m going to enjoy rewatching this series along with Angel when I get to it.
Escape with Leon using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.