That is the best thing I’ve seen all year. I am LOST for words!
Big thanks to Adam for this one!
love a good story
A 12 year old Ben Linus just brought me a chicken salad sandwich. How do you think i’m doing?
Who the effing eff is Jeremy Bentham? Most random name ever.
The flash backs are now flash forwards!? The Oceanic 6!? What the hell!?
Gutted about Charlie. And sayhid is a mothereffing badass.
Jacob says ‘Help Me’. Oh and Locke has been shot and left in a ditch! This is an emotional roller coaster.
You sly dog you. Oleg vladmir is still alive!?!
Poor guys. Buried alive. Shit’s getting dark!
Oh my freaking god! Jack and Claire are brother and sister!?!
Walternate’s gonna be a grandpa! Bless his cottons.
There’s a girl fighting with a bloody slingshot.
Kate, in her very nature, is inconsistant.
Sawyer is having sexy times.
Oh my god Ben was lying. This programme will finish me.
Sawyer’s got a bloody pacemaker now! This is emotional.