Why do WordPress theme developers have to bloody overcomplicate everything?
There is always a logical answer
I installed Ubuntu server on my spare computer the other day and all was fine.
I then moved the Apache document root to a directory in my home folder — a common thing done by people, I hear.
I have done this many times before and always worked fine — as did this for a time.
I had done this via ssh as is common with a server OS. Only thing was, was once I exited the ssh, Apache seemed to stop working.
I spent about an hour then, at around midnight, trying to figure out what had gone wrong. What had I done differently? The answer was simple: nothing…… or so I thought.
Turns out I had encrypted my home directory on installation of the OS. Probably a good thing to do, except that of course when trying to view the Apache server page in a browser it would error — due to my having moved it’s root from its default into my home folder.
As soon as I logged in via ssh to the server, it would work again. But when exiting it would stop.
This was simply down to the fact that my logging into the home directory via ssh would cause it to decrypt itself — making the apache page viewable. And then when I exited the ssh, it would re-encypt, thus breaking it.
Fu fu fu.
Off to see Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation tonight. Really looking forward to it.
I just hope there are no annoying people about. i.e. screaming kids, idiots on phones, people saying things like “Oh he was in thingymajig” or “This bit is sick”.
I must be getting old.
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Why is it in spy films, when they receive a phone call, they sometimes get asked to “go secure”? Why not just encrypt all calls by default?
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Trying to have a go on the FF14 free trial, but its taking forever to receive my confirmation code via email. Games used to be so much more simple.
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Waiting in line for chips. Why is it always the person in front ordering ten bags of chips?
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If you’re building a website and you make the decision to add multiple bloody popups, you need shooting.
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The metro “newspaper” is so depressing to read. Most of the stories in the first half of it are just written to make people feel angry / down. It’s okay though, as you have several pages of “celebrity” bullshit to cheer you up. Lucky people.
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I don’t like how Android Twitter app loads linked websites within its own window. It should open in a browser not through twitter.
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Just had an email from a recruiter about some job somewhere. It noted the skills required and said also: “perhaps most importantly, you will have dropped support for IE7”. Like that’s a skill to have.
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Who the hell curates an album labelled ‘The Greatest Female Voices’ and doesn’t include Lana Del Rey? But they do include the bloody Corrs!?!
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Arrived at Twycross Zoo. Packed full of people. I anticipate idiots banging on the glass of ape enclosures.
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Is our technology creating more idiots than ever? The amount of people I’m seeing sat in public places taking pictures of themselves pulling a stupid face is increasing. The term ‘selfie’ makes me cringe.
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