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  • Melodrama by Lorde

    Melodrama by Lorde is an album I have been waiting for with baited breath, being one of my favourite artists over the past ten years.

    I was a little worried by the sound of the album’s first single ‘Green Light’.  I liked the song well enough, however, it didn’t seem to me to have that idiosyncratic sound of Lorde’s. When compared, for example, with Tennis Court from her first album.

    That was my initial thought. However, now I have come to listen to the entirety of Melodrama, every song on it is growing on me.

    I loved how on this new album she seems to be bringing in a wider array of sounds and styles into her music. It feels somewhat lighter this time around, with the songs feeling much more unified across the album – feeling like a complete arrangement start to finish.

    Even on first listening, some songs jumped straight up at me. ‘Writer in the Dark’ is as bare and as beautiful as they come. Her voice climbs higher than I had previously been used to hearing from her and it is glorious. She seemed to me to be channeling the essence of Kate Bush at times in this song.

    I think with the huge popularity of ‘Pure Heroine’, her first album, it was always going to be a tough one to follow. There was a worry for me that she would end up pigeonholing herself into the niche that she created. She could have either given us more of the same – playing it safe and giving her fans what they loved, or tried out new things and expanded the boundaries of her sound even further. Her choosing the latter made me very happy and very relieved.

    Melodrama has the hallmarks of an instant classic for me. She has taken her signature sound and style, and moved up a level; pushing her sound and our perception of what she is capable of.

    You can buy Lorde’s new album on Amazon today.


  • Dave’s top albums of 2014

    Lana Del Rey: Ultraviolence

    If you were to tie me up, gag me and stick me in a remote location for the rest of my life — and I could only listen to one album again — it would be this one. Every single song on this album is golden. When you start the album, you enter into a dream-like world — a boundless world of raw emotion and energy. The album feels almost ethereal — as though you are walking in the abyss being sang to by an angel.

    Stand out tracks for me include: Ultraviolence, West Coast and The Other Woman.

    As an aside, I encourage you to buy the Deluxe Edition of this album – if only for the song Black Beauty. Black Beauty is one of my favourite of all of Lana’s songs. The transition from The Other Woman into Black Beauty, is one of the best song transitions I’ve ever heard.

    Why Black Beauty wasn’t included on the regular album release, I have no idea.

    Lorde: Pure Heroine

    I first heard of Lorde when Weird Al Yankovic released his song “Foil” — a parody cover of Lorde’s “Royals”. My next taste of her music came from the Trailer for Assassin’s Creed Unity. The song was a cover of “Everybody wants to rule the world” by Tears for Fears — and is phenomenal.

    Her music isn’t like anything I have really heard before — she is her own thing. Her music and stage presence are up there with all the greats. I have since listened to this, her debut album, on repeat for the past two or three months and it never tires.

    Stand out songs include: Tennis Court, Royals and White Teeth Teens.

    Cherlene: Cherlene (Songs from Archer)

    Archer is one of my favourite TV series of recent years. Fans of the show will know that series 5 of Archer — named “Archer: Vice” — was a temporary departure form the usual back drop of fictional intelligence agency ISIS.

    During “Archer: Vice” Cheryl/Carol took on the new name of Cherlene, and was pursuing a career in outlaw country music. To my surprise, the songs that were featured throughout the show were compiled into this album. And before you think it’s just going to be a gimmick album, let me tell you it is not.

    This is a genuinely good country album and can be enjoyed by anybody regardless of whether they have seen the show or not.

    Stand out songs include: Danger Zone (a duet with Kenny-frickin-Loggins), Cherlene’s Broken Hearts and Auto Parts, and Eastbound and Down.

    Foxes: Glorious

    I came across Foxes through a Google Play recommendation. At first listen it didn’t strike me as something I would enjoy. But I gave the album a chance. And I’m glad I did. Glorious is an energetic, thoroughly enjoyable, synthpop album from start to finish.

    It brilliantly mixes thumping pop anthems with haunting soundscapes — all tied together by this woman’s amazing voice.

    Stand out songs: Let go for tonight, Night Glo and Echo. Also if you plan on getting the Deluxe Edition you will hear a live version of Clarity, which is worth getting just for that song.

    Kacey Musgraves: Same Trailer, Different Park

    This album was a recommendation by Andrew Clarke, along with four other albums. This one stood out to me above the rest and has since recharged my love of country music.

    Every song on this contemporary country album is a gem and I never tire of listening to it front to back. You can easily get lost in the stories and faultless melodies of Same Trailer, Different Park.

    I should mention that this album was actually released in 2013. But since it’s so damn good — and I heard it first in 2014 — I decided to include it anyway.


  • New headphones sound bloody brilliant. Listening to “Everybody wants to rule the world” cover by Lorde. Phenomenal.


  • Lorde’s version of “everybody wants to rule the world” in unity trailer. So I listened to album. Tis good, but I keep hearing Foil.



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