Stretching before running

One of the annoying things about web development, is having to learn completely new paradigms every now and again. I’m all for improving my skills and being more efficient in my work, but when i have to halt to have to learn a whole new separate thing, it grinds my gears a bit. The idea … Continue reading “Stretching before running”

One of the annoying things about web development, is having to learn completely new paradigms every now and again. I’m all for improving my skills and being more efficient in my work, but when i have to halt to have to learn a whole new separate thing, it grinds my gears a bit.

The idea I’m talking about today is something called Elasticsearch. Yet another data access methodology and one that I’ve never had to mess with before. Don’t get me wrong I’m not hating on the technology, I would simply rather not have to learn this whole new way of searching data.

I’m easily confused.

On a more positive note i have started taking steps towards actually building my first online product / service which i think could be very handy for a lot, if not all, bloggers. It’s something I built for myself and thought about how others could benefit from it too.

Stay tuned for more info as it develops.

Tonight I’ve been enrolled into a run up the canal by my lady. Although i felt a sudden drive for it this morning, that has since passed after my tiring over one of the most boring tutorial videos I’ve ever watched – about the aforementioned Elasticsearch. I’m sure she won’t let me shirk my running responsibilities and I’ll be jogging round the block in no time.

Laravel Blade push and stack

Laravel’s blade view compiler is second to none. I’ve used a couple of different templating engines and blade is by far my favourite.

Including Partials

The way in which we include partials of views within our main views is as follows:
It will inject that partial’s content in the specified place.

Defining Sections

Within our views, we define “sections” with the following syntax:


    The section’s content within here


And we can define as many sections as we need for our project.

When the same section is used in multiple places within one compilation

Imagine we have master template file as such:

// layouts.main.blade.php
<!doctype html>



Let’s suppose we have the following layout template that extends our main layout one and is including three partials. This example is a form template including its various inputs from separate partials. For my own website I have a different form for each of my post types and so I have the inputs in separate partials for easy reuse.

// partials.form.blade.php


Let’s next suppose that in a couple of those partial input views you need to inject some custom scripting. This is a slightly contrived example, but it will illustrate the point.

// partials.form-content.blade.php
<textarea class="content" name="content"></textarea>

// dummy javascript as example
// partials.form-tags.blade.php
<select class="tags" name="tags">
<option value="tagone">Tag One</option>
<option value="tagtwo">Tag Two</option>
<option value="tagthree">Tag Three</option>


Now, when the form page gets compiled, only the first occurrence of the ‘custom_scripts’ section will be included.

So what if you needed to be able to define this section in chunks across partials?

Introducing Blade’s Push & Stack directives

To give this functionality, Laravel does in fact have two little-known directives called ‘push’ and ‘stack’.

They allow you to ‘stack up’ items across partials with the ‘push’ directive, which can then be echoed out together with the ‘stack’ directive.

Here’s the above form example but with ‘push’ and ‘stack’ used in place of ‘section’ and ‘yield’.

// layouts.main.blade.php
<!doctype html>



// partials.form-content.blade.php
<textarea class="content" name="content"></textarea>

// dummy javascript as example
// partials.form-tags.blade.php
<select class="tags" name="tags">
<option value="tagone">Tag One</option>
<option value="tagtwo">Tag Two</option>
<option value="tagthree">Tag Three</option>


This will now compile all uses of the @push(‘custom_scripts’) and echo them out as one wherever you call @stack(‘custom_scripts’)

When I was shown this technique by a mate at work, it blew my mind.

Have fun.

Setting up samba share on my home network

Secure shell into file server.

Install samba if not already present:

sudo apt-get install samba

Create samba password with :

sudo smbpasswd -a YOUR_USERNAME

Configuring the share:

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
# /etc/samba/smb.conf

path = /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Share 
available = yes 
valid users = YOUR_USERNAME 
read only = no 
browsable = yes 
public = yes 
writable = yes

Restart samba:

sudo restart smbd

Bypassing Laravel’s CSRF Middleware on selected routes (from 5.1)

A handy way to have some of your routes skip the middleware for CSRF protection. Handy in some situations.

Laravel does a great job at protecting us from cross-site request forgeries – or C.S.R.F. for short.But sometimes you may not wish to have that layer present. Well with Laravel 5.1 you can very easily bypass this middleware, simply by populating an array in the following file:


Within this class you can add a protected property — an array — called $except, which will tell Laravel to use this middleware except for the ones you specify here.

A complete example could be:

protected $except = [

So for those three URLs, the CSRF middleware would be skipped.