Keeping it up: Day 5

I’ve not been keeping it up, have I?(phrasing)Try and try again I shall.Tonight I saw the first episode of humans – very good it was. It’s interesting to see exactly what it means to be ‘human’ – to have consciousness. The acting was great – I even tried making a cup of tea like a robot afterwards and it’s actually harder than it seems. It will be interesting to see where the show goes – especially as dark elements have already begun to creep in.Later on I ended up listening to an old episode of Cabin Pressure – Qikiqtarjuaq. It’s been about a year since I first heard this series and had forgotten how good it is. Benedict Cumberbatch is probably best known for playing Sherlock in the BBC series, but one should also check him out in Cabin Pressure. He, along with the rest of the cast, have incredible chemistry in one of the funniest series I’ve ever heard.

Keeping it up: Day 4

Today’s been a naff day. I’ve felt pretty aweful with this sore throat and cough. Please – send me no flowers.I’m looking forward to later tonight when I’ll get to watch the Game of Thrones series finale for the second time – I’m more looking forward to how my girlfriend reacts to the outcome of certain characters. I have the responsibility of warning her just before any gruesome bits happen – the temptation not to torments me, but I will do my duty.Tomorrow we are taking her mom to Dudley Zoo, which should be nice – hopefully I can kick some of this cough before then. Looking forward to getting some good snappy snaps of the animals. Here’s hoping we have some nice weather.

Keeping it up: Day 3

So I have failed completely so far in writing an entry each day. I have some poor excuses if that’s any consolation? I broke my computer and spent ages trying to reinstall it; I’ve also got a sore throat and cough……yep I know, I know pretty pathetic.So two months ago I signed up for the London marathon 2016. During my training I pushed myself a bit too hard and strained my ankle. I’ve not been able to train for nearly three weeks. But since buying an ankle support, it seems to be getting better. So this Sunday I’ll head out for a jog and see how it feels.I’ve not been confirmed for the London Marathon – the winners are announced in September/October time.However I will hopefully be doing a couple of half marathons before the end of the year. So that should help me gauge my fitness level.

Keeping it up: Day 2

I bought a new cage for Moomin on Friday night. I loved the idea of him having a higher one so he could climb up further. The idea of the high platforms seemed cool too. However in practice it wasn’t suitable at all – he kept falling off the platform and knocking the loosley-coupled platform bridges out.So I’ve opted to go for the same one as he had before. Pets at home were very helpful in getting it exchanged as well as letting me have some spare parts.I’m even thinking about connecting the two cages together – as they are the same model – to make Moomin a sort of super-lair. I’ll let you know how that one pans out.

Keeping it up: Day 1

So this is my first entry in my ‘keeping it up’ series of continuous writing – two days after the introduction post. How pathetic is that!? So anyways, here is the first of which i will do my best to be many.So I saw Jurassic World yesterday evening. I had seen the trailer and thought to myself how it was going to be terrible and probably best to avoid it all together – I have been known to be one of those people who goes on about how remakes or reboots are a bad idea. However I was pleasently surprised: I actually enjoyed it. It was a good two-hour escape into a world of dinosaurs and thought there were some great little twists in there.For me the whole film came together with the ending. I enjoyed it throughout, but the ending was great fun and improved the film for me as a whole.And it was good to see they didn’t shy away from the violence. With it being a 12A – always a warning sign for me for some films – I thought it would be completely kiddified. But there was a comfortable amount of people being eaten, crushed and thrown into trees for me to feel satisfied. I’m not sadistic – honest.

Keeping it up: An Introduction

I was inspired by Jeremy Keith and his 100 words he has been publishing for the past 80 days. This is the same philosophy as The 100 days Project.I then heard the latest episode of Unfinished Business podcast where he, Jeffrey Zeldman and Andrew Clarke spoke about publishing on ones own site. Their conversation and views inspired me further.The discipline of doing something creative each and every day – no matter how quick or easy – sounded like something I’d like to try. To make myself create something every day and stop procrastinating. So this is it – my own approach to 100 words / 100 days. I will be writing an entry into this journal each and every day no matter how mundane it may be.I’m still thinking about whether or not to give myself some form of constaint. For example Jeremy’s daily journals have each been exactly 100 words. But I don’t want the thinking up of a constraint stop me from actually doing something, so I’ll just give it some thought.

Rinse and Repeat

I find myself most nights tinkering in some way to my website with the goal of making it the best personal publishing platform it can be.

The only problem is, is that because I spend the time tinkering with the site, I find myself not publishing as often as I’d like. I do write notes throughout the day which get published and shared out in most cases, but I’d like to be writing long form more often.

So what I will try my best to do is write something everyday in a more long form style — within my journal section. I was inspired by Jeremy Keith’s 100 Words he has been writing every day. Its all about keeping the drive to produce results in whatever creative profession is yours -i no matter how busy you are or how you’re feeling.

I’m looking forward to seeing what everyday writing will produce. Likely it will produce a bunch of ramblings on everyday things but maybe I’ll find a little gold nugget every once in a while.

We shall see.