Tomorrow night = manson & rob zombie gig. Think jdevil may be supporting (john davis dj set) #hopeso
It turns out that my beginnings of my drawing app re-coding has become a nice base from which to start cross device canvas based apps.
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Ive just deleted two blog posts with no backups when reinstalling my local copy of site. #goshdarnit
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All you little kids seem to think you know just where it’s at… Ohh i think i smell a rat. du dum dum, du dum dum
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I wasnt happy with the look of my site. So i had a play in chrome dev tools editor and took all background colors out. Now i love it!
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After spending weeks building a wordpress site for myself i have come to realize that i dont actually need a wordpress site.
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Writing a beefy blog post is harder than i thought. Trying to get it well balanced and interesting.
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Just read through all of @aral ‘s posts at . Great reading. Very inspiring.
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