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  • Migrating my website to Statamic

    I love Laravel.

    I also really like WordPress, for what it is. So when it came to originally putting my personal site together I just wanted to get a simple WordPress site together.

    I have attempted to build my own website and blog in Laravel from scratch multiple times over the years. I even stuck with a build for a while but ultimately went back to WordPress.

    My issue was only down to the fact that I wanted to write more in my own time and found I spent most my time tinkering.

    But I really love Laravel.

    So imagine my joy when I came across Statamic. Statamic is a CMS package that can be installed into a Laravel site and just works seamlessly alongside you Laravel code.

    I am in the process of rebuilding my personal site and will be getting it live as soon as I can.

    I think I will migrate my current site to a new domain, something like “davidpeach.me”, and then use the 4042302 technique to ensure my old posts are still found as I migrate the posts over.

    I’m really looking forward to getting creative with Statamic and then layering on all of the excellent Laravel features as a way to learn as much, and refresh my mind, about my favourite framework.

  • Just watched the Episode “Here’s Negan” in The Walking Dead. Beautiful and Heartbreaking. @JDMorgan is incredible to watch.

  • I remember the day clearly — a Udemy meme

    I remember the day clearly… It was the one day in the year that Udemy didn’t have a 90% sale on.

    Original meme inspired by Ronnie Corbett’s famous line.
  • Cash/Cache is Aggressive — Haiku

    Cash is aggressive
    So you should always cheque first
    Redis takes credit

    — Haiku by David Peach

    A web development/money crossover haiku.

    Someone mentioned about cache being aggressive and this came to me.

  • Heat

    Finally watched this film for the first time and I absolutely loved it to bits.

    As I sat there sweating through the UK heatwave — my apartment being three or four degrees higher — I became lost in this world of LA.

    It goes without saying that Al Pacino and Robert Deniro are at the top of their games in this film, but i’m gonna say it anyway…

    …they are both so fucking great. As are all the other performances throughout.

    It’s one of those films that has been on my radar for so long but just never got round to watching it. Everyone I’d heard mention it had always said it was awesome — they were all right.

    Deniro’s character brought a certain intensity throughout for me — his straight line, get the job done attitude is infectious.

    And Pacino does what he does best. His seemingly-random outbursts of animation were such a joy to see. I found myself laughing — but out of shear enjoyment of his performance. He has a way about him that just captures my attention with ease.

    Mark and Jezz in Peep Show pretend to watch Heat whilst at a theatre show

    Deniro’s and Pacino’s characters are two sides to the same coin. Both representing the opposing forces of law and criminal. I found myself rooting for both of them right till the end. Neither is completely “good” and neither is at all “evil”.

    Besides hearing Heat mentioned in one of my favourite TV shows, Peep show (see image above), what actually tipped me into actually sitting for the 2 hour 50 minute runtime was a clip of Tom Hiddleston on the Graham Norton show.

    The clip featured Tom appearing with 3 other actors, all there for different reasons, but was sharing the guest sofa with no other than Robert Deniro. Tom was talking with admiration about Deniro in Heat — and in one scene in particular.

    The scene was the infamous coffee shop scene in which Deniro and Pacino enjoy their first ever on-screen appearance.

    When I finally got to the scene myself I saw where that admiration was coming from.

    One of the most conflicting moments for me came right near the end.

    There is a chance for Deniro to get away and begin a fresh life, and I was really praying he would. However, I equally wanted him to finish off one piece of unfinished business — with a particularly nasty character.

    There’s a moment where he’s driving and you can feel the conflict within him. Deciding desperately which path he should take. And I think he already knows the outcome of both paths before he chooses.

    I wont spoil that moment for you here, but I do urge you strongly to watch this. It’s an incredible film.

  • So you’re new to the Internet?

    If you’re new to the internet, allow me to give you a brief explanation.

    The “Internet” is series of connected networks across the world that form bigger networks. A network is a series of connected things (computers and routers in the case of the internet).

    The world wide web (www) sits on top of the internet (as does email and other things too) The world wide web is what a lot of people are referring to when they talk about the internet.

    Most of the web now is basically a bog of surveillance advertising. Where pretty much all of your interactions on the web — and often email now too — are being tracked by companies looking to make money off knowing exactly what you get up to online.

    It’s an absolute fucking disgrace.

    The world wide web could have been such a beautiful thing — democratising publishing and giving everyone an equal voice. And for a while I think it was heading that way. But big technology companies grew out of this web, like spiders catching all the flies. These big companies then started merging and coalescing into the Googles, Facebooks and Twitters we now have.

    This is the world that has been born out of capitalist greed and the surveillance used to accrue wealth.

    There are some awesome people that are doing their best to create alternatives to all of the surveillance honeypots that take up the majority of bandwidth.

    People like Aral Balkan and Laura Kalbag at the Small Technology Foundation. They are building a viable alternative to the cancer of “big tech”.

    And Eugen, who created Mastodon — living proof that you don’t need millions in investment capital to build something for the web that gets used my thousands and thousands of people.

    We need more people building for the future of people, not corporations, and I want to be one of them.

  • American Horror Story : Double Feature — Poster

    As always, the next series of American Horror Story — Double Feature — looks insane.

  • Guerrilla featured my Horizon Zero Dawn virtual photography shot

    It’s been a couple of weeks, but I wanted to write up a quick post documenting Guerrilla featuring my virtual photography shot on the 3rd July 2021.

    To see all the messages coming in from people who like the picture was amazing — thank you to all of you.

    Link to Guerrilla’s tweet on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Guerrilla/status/1411366562452234243

    My original tweet: https://twitter.com/chegalabonga/status/1401208763558895624

    The original post on my website: https://davidpeach.me/2021/06/05/heres-looking-at-you/

  • Buffy — Welcome to the Hellmouth (Series 1 Episode 1)

    Buffy — Welcome to the Hellmouth (Series 1 Episode 1)

    The opening episode to one of my favourite ever tv series.

    Buffy Summers arrives in Sunnydale and meets the people who will come to form her close circle of friends.

    I’m going to enjoy rewatching this series along with Angel when I get to it.

  • Dead by Daylight — Resident Evil chapter

    Seriously can not wait for this chapter of DBD on the 15th June.

    Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 remake have been two of my favourite games of the past few years — especially when re-playing.

    So to get this in my go-to multiplayer game, Dead By Daylight, is like birthday and Christmas at once.

  • Thoughts on the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

    Final Fantasy 7 remake PlayStation 4 cover

    Y’all have to look at the big picture here. Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice.

    — Barret Wallace

    It felt like I had a weird mental journey through playing the Final Fantasy 7 remake.

    It started with me absolutely loving the opening scenes — the slow aerial shot into the mega-city of Midgar; the beautiful re-imagined image of Aerith down the alleyway.

    It ended too with me absolutely loving it — despite the fact that it covers only about the first 10% or so of the full FF7 story!

    But there were a couple of moments within the story of remake where I just got a bit bored with it and stopped playing it for a couple of weeks.

    However, on the whole I was not disappointed with the remake. Despite having waited about a year or so after its release to play it.

    All the vibez

    The vibez in Final Fantasy 7 Remake were on point. I found myself getting emotional just through the opening cinematic. Being able to see close-up the people living in Midgar, before the infamous entering of the train at the reactor station, just filled me with the best feelings of nostalgia.

    During that opening game play segment I was pumped up and ready to take it on. Everything was as i remembered — except for the game’s battle system. The games battle system I did not care for much, but I wont dwell too much on that.

    As I mentioned above, there were the odd times I became a bit bored. But these tended to be around side quests and extended sections of certain parts of the story. Although in retrospect perhaps I was just in a rush to get the story moving forwards.

    My boredom never came during story beats taken from the original game.

    In fact, many of the moments that had been remade were even better in my opinion. The whole of Wall Street had been elevated into a place much bigger and brighter. And the characters too — Don Corneo especially was developed far more in this one, with his character being much more creepy.


    You never heard the voices of the characters in the original Final Fantasy 7, so they pretty much sounded like how they did in your own head.

    But once I heard Barret’s deep voice bouncing off of Cloud’s indifference in the remake, I knew the developers had captured these characters perfectly. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but Barret sounded exactly how he had in my mind — cloud not so much, but the way in which their relationship develops was as nicely done as I recall.

    Tifa, Cloud and Aerith from the Final Fantasy 7 remake game

    Tifa had that same hard edge as I’d remembered, along with the slight vulnerability. I didn’t often control other characters during enemy battles, but Tifa was one I would sometimes — punching an enemy before using a whirling uppercut was so cool.

    And when it comes to Aerith, not enough good things can be said. She is perfect in this game. Her character is just so pure and you can’t help but want to protect her, despite her being just as strong, if not more so, as the other members of Avalanche.

    As it was in my mind’s eye

    As a result of my extensive hours playing the original while I was a child, I have most of the original locations permanently etched into my mind. As such, I could always imagine how it would look from the characters perspective — the original being a top-down perspective for the player.

    And this remake again absolutely nailed it. Many areas of Midgar that I remember fondly had not only been remade and enhanced, but were perfectly as I remember imagining them.

    The Seventh Heaven Bar; Aerith’s House and garden; the park that Cloud and Aerith pass through. These were all places I remembered well and they all felt instantly recognizable when coming to them in the remake.

    One place that I felt was without a doubt far superior in this remake was the Shinra headquarters. The entire building was utilized so much more — and it looks absolutely stunning. New areas of Hojo’s testing areas were added; the ascent up the tower was much more streamlined and with new and very engaging moments added in.

    Glorious music

    The music was very nostalgic for me and yet had not just been ported over. The score was absolutely beautiful and stirred all the same feelings as it had done many years ago. Only now the orchestral scores had a much higher production value.

    The moments when the Shinra theme kicks in. Or Sephiroth’s iconic music fills the headphones. These moments were special back in the late 90s, and they felt special now.

    I liked the inclusion of the collectable music discs in the game too. Hearing familiar final fantasy 7 pieces of music playing from a nearby jukebox was a nice touch. It was a good way of bringing in later aspects of the original game — the Costa Del Sol theme is one that immediately springs to mind.

    In Summary

    At the risk of sounding soppy, Final Fantasy 7 holds a very special place in my heart. It was one of the very few games I grew up playing in my formative years — others being Resident Evil 2 and Metal Gear Solid. So remake this I was more skeptical than excited by the prospect.

    In fact it took me a year or so to actually play the game. I just didn’t need a new version of the story — the classic is perfect enough for me. Plus I don’t believe they are going to get all of the story into the planned 3-part arc I believe this remake is planned to be.

    However with that said, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a loving re-imagining of the classic RPG. I would have liked to have kept the static turn-based battle system as in the original. Something like how Persona 5 did their battles would have been the icing on the cake for me, but I guess you can’t have it all.

    I realize that pretty much all of my critique and opinions on the remake are going to stem from a place of comparison to the brilliant original. But I also can’t help but feel that this game is best experienced with having all that nostalgia tied up in one’s brain and heart.

    Despite it feeling a little drawn out for me in some places, I still look back on the story of remake, on the whole, as being a good one, and one I will probably revisit soon.

  • 300 followers! (on twitter)

    Thank You so much for the people that have shared my shots and made me feel so welcome in literally the best community on Twitter.

    You all rock and can’t wait to get out there and continue the journeys with you all. 💚💚💚

  • Hillcrest, Grounded mode, in just over 2 minutes.



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I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.

Album on repeat

All of my collected posts, grouped by year.