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  • drawing webapp moving along nicely. Is getting a lot more user-friendly. Next to do, however, is multi-touch parts. Should be interesting.

  • I just bought 3 internet discussion boards. I know what you’re thinking: ‘how much did he pay forum’.

  • Time to read some more of @RealCliveBarker ‘s awesome #abarat.

  • So I finally got round to rewriting my @TheSassWay tutorial and it turns out writing and checking a blog post took longer than expected.

  • I earned the Completed Try Git badge on Code School from http://t.co/V6L1mPev http://t.co/mNBdAmHk via @codeschool

  • If I manage to build this webapp and have it working nicely, I think my Javascript skills will increase by 1000xp.

  • I’m documenting the build also so any people interested can read about how it was made. Peace!

  • Okay so it turns out I may have bitten off more than I can chew. May take longer. #peskywebapps #wannaplayminecraftbutgonnabegood

  • @lastfm is frickin awesome. First three songs i’ve ever heard on it as follows: Blondie-one way or another, Paul Simon, you can call me Al

  • …and David Lynch-these are my friends. I love it already

  • Took my dog to the vets for an operation to help him sit on command. Two him two weeks to heel.

  • So, i’ve just taken out my old contact lenses and im already wondering why I didn’t put my new ones in an easy to find place? Answers?

  • Finally got the google+ history API to ‘write moments’. Its the future people!

  • Gonna try using #firefox browser in both desktop and mobile, currently using #chrome and #opera on desktop and mobile respectively.

  • Love how Flickr app shows ‘hello’ in different languages, like the Web site, but it don’t stay on long enough to read it properly.



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