I can’t wait to role out my new blog. So excited about new design and is the first design i’ve done that I am not wanting to alter
With @TheSassWay you can use media q’s within the nesting, eg
p { font-size:1.2em; @media only screen and(min-width:640px){ font-size:1.5em } }
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Trying out using no speech marks round html attributes, ids and single class names. Feels nice people. thanks to @paul_irish for the tip!
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With @TheSassWay you can pass both names and hex values into rgba(). E.g. rgba(purple, 0.5) and rgba(#fff, 0.2) both work great!
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@rem do you know of any issues with addEventListener not firing in Firefox? Random question I know, but thanks in advance.
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Making the landing page for #canvasloveballs Web app. Aiming to get the beta version online by Friday. Night all.
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So i’ve started digging into #wordpress and building a complete new theme for use when I move my site over to my other URL.
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