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  • The Babysitter

    Not to be confused with the 1995 erotic, straight-to-video film starring Alicia Silverstone. 2017’s The Babysitter is a violent, fun watch and completely ridiculous in all the right places.

    I was recommended this by a friend and did really enjoy it. I was surprised that it was a 15 though.

    Looking forward to watching the sequel some time soon.

  • Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

    The “Final” chapter. Lolz.

    I enjoyed the film for what it was — the gathering together of a bunch of young people for Jason to pick off one by one.

  • Friday the 13th part 3

    Friday the 13 part 3 was a lot of fun.

    I didn’t enjoy it quite as much on the whole as I did part 2, but it was still a great ride. And it was great to finally see Jason don his infamous hockey mask.

    I found myself wondering about the director’s taste when I kept noticing things being pointed right at the camera. Like in the camera’s face. It wasn’t until half way through that I had the distant memory come back about this film having been made for 3D.

    Plus a pissed-off 80s biker gang. What’s not to love?

  • Deleted my Google account

    It’s been a long time coming, but I have finally deleted my Google account.

    Good riddance.

  • You know what? Fuck Google. Just when I think I couldn’t hate them more. Exporting my previous uploaded music (about 100gb worth) from their Play Music service. Do they put the songs into Artist / Album folders?


    Instead they package it up into 54 zipped folders and stick random songs along with loads of csv files with dumb stats in.


    Now I’ll have to write a little script to read the song meta data and organise into folders myself.

    I’ll share the script once it’s done and tested.

  • Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

    After seeing so many good things said about it, and seeing some many gorgeous photos taken in it, I finally started playing Hellblade.

    My first impression is that this game is so thrilling to play, once the combat begins to open up.

    There is a really interesting “perma-death” mechanic which, although I don’t fully understand the rules, does mean that I am super switched on at every moment of the game.

    The world looks stunning. And the story development through finding stone tablets in the world is an interesting way to fill out that world’s history.

  • The Last Mix Tape’s Top 100 Songs of 2020

    I’ve just listened to a couple of songs recommended by The Last Mix Tape website and loved them all.

    Figured I’d go one better and work through their Top 100 songs of 2020.

  • Having a cat is so awesome. Wouldn’t change it for the world.

  • Anhedonia by Chelsea Wolfe-and Emma Ruth-Rundle

    Beautiful haunting song.

    Gave me similar vibes to parts of the Inland Empire and Mulholland Drive soundtrack.

    There is a very specific song that it’s reminding me of — I just can’t remember what song it is. As soon as I remember I’ll update it here.

    I think it is reminding me of “Llorando” — the French version of Crying from Mulholland Drive.

  • Are you being a fucking idiot?

    (Originally pasted into facebook)

    I don’t often stick long posts on this god-awful surveillance website, but after hearing about some friends and family suffering, I didn’t want to hold back.

    If you’re going into shops etc without a mask on when you should wear one, you’re a fucking idiot.
    If you’re holding personal gatherings when you shouldn’t, you’re a fucking idiot.
    If you’re reading this and about to dispute it because of some dumb ass reason because “well kids mix at school so what’s the difference”, you’re a fucking idiot.

    There are people who are actually suffering, whether through loneliness, loss or struggling to battle this thing.

    Boredom != Suffering.

    Acting like a fucking idiot, thinking the rules don’t apply to you, whilst people fight to get rid of this virus, is no different to locking the front door with 50 locks whilst some prick leaves a window open.

    Yes the government are inept and more concerned with profits over people’s lives. But you can’t use their stupidity as an excuse for your own fuckwittery.

    Open your eyes and realise you live in a society.

  • Started working on a side project I’m calling “Pitch”. It’s an end to end encrypted website starter inspired by SiteJS by the Small Technology Foundation.

    Got a basic vue app set up with the vue-cli but now can’t work out why my private key generator sometimes returns what I expect — a Uint8Array — and more often a mess of random characters.

    Am I misunderstanding something I wonder?

  • Lead to the river, midsummer, I waved
    A ‘V’ of black swans on with hope to the grave.
    All through Red September with skies fire-paved
    I begged you appear like a thorn for the holy ones

    Nymphetamine. Lyrics by Dani Filth
  • Nymphetamine album — Cradle of Filth

    Released in 2004, this is one of my favourite albums from my younger days.

    Thanks to a work mate, my love for this band has been re-ignited. I have been listened to their albums lots over the past couple of weeks, but this one has stood out to me above most.

    Possibly helped along from the nostalgia I feel for this album.

    Stand out songs for me

    • Track 2 — Gilded Cunt
    • Track 3 — Nemesis
    • Track 5 — Nymphetamine overdose
  • So the whole “No mask no entry” rule in #tesco is basically bullshit. Every time I’m in there I see at least one person not wearing one.



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I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.

Album on repeat

All of my collected posts, grouped by year.