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  • Thoughts on Days Gone

    Thoughts on Days Gone

    Bend Studios’ Days Gone took a while to grow on me, I wont lie. The main reason for this was a couple of blue screen crashes I experienced during the early hours of it.

    However, fast forward a few months to my restarting it and it quickly became a favourite game of mine.

    As replayability goes, this is up there as one of the best for me — I literally jumped straight back into New Game + after the credits had rolled on my first playthrough.

    What is Days Gone about?

    Days Gone puts you in the very capable boots of Mr Deacon Saint John — a biker from Farewell, Oregon. The story opens on day zero of a mysterious outbreak that sees people devolve into violent none-thinking animals.

    After his wife Sarah is injured, they are separated as he manages to secure her a place on an outbound medical helicopter — Deacon must stay behind to make sure his best friend, Boozer, makes it out alive. However, that is the last he sees of her.

    Fast-forward 2 years or so and we join Deacon and Boozer riding through the Oregon forest roads in pursuit of someone. From here you take control of Deacon’s destiny and must survive a world that is literally always coming for you.

    One of the main threads throughout the story is whether or not Deacon will ever see Sarah again. That story and his undying love for his beloved is beautifully told by not only the writers but the people portraying those characters too.

    An unfolding story

    One of the biggest criticisms I see for Days Gone is it’s narrative structure and how it almost feels like it could be ending, before introducing a new set of characters. But I found this to be one of its biggest draws for me.

    The story felt more like a novel at times than a typical video game narrative. And I loved that story.

    Instead of a simple structure like:

    1. Setup characters
    2. Setup conflict
    3. Work to resolve conflict

    It was more like:

    1. Setup main characters and the world they live in
    2. Drop into their lives at a given point
    3. See how their lives unfold from there

    Our own lives are rich and we meet people at different points in those lives. We don’t just get introduced to all the people we will ever know at the start and continue to the finish line.

    Days Gone does a great job at actually telling an unfolding story where different characters enter and exit at various points. It gives it that extra piece of realism for me and it’s a story that just keeps getting better.

    The World

    The World of Days Gone is fucking stunning. That’s the only way I can put across my complete love for this world. The weather effects look incredible — especially in the heavy rain and blizzards.

    The towns, outputs and lake houses dotted all over and hidden amongst the wilderness beg to be found and explored. I can’t really put across the feeling I get whilst just wandering about the world finding new houses and farms.

    I could spend hours just riding the broken roads — circling the entirety of the map — just for relaxation. Of course that relaxation is quashed when you accidentally run up against a horde of freakers.

    Oh and I haven’t mentioned the wildlife yet!

    I remember one instance after completing the game’s main story where I was riding around looking for the collectables. I kind of got lazy in my diligence and before I knew it, as I was getting off my bike, one of the world’s many huge bears attacked me from out of nowhere. I literally jumped out of my skin.

    And then there are the pack-hunting wolves and later, the crows.

    The world of Days Gone is brutal and unforgiving, and I love it.

    Freakers and Hordes

    Freakers are the “zombies” of Days Gone, except more fierce, fast and agile than traditional zombies. Although one on one isn’t too much of a challenge — in fact the AI can be very easy to get around at times — as soon as you pull more than a few freakers, things can escalate… very quickly.

    One of this games technical achievements that made the press was the concept of a Horde of freakers: literally hundreds of enemies on screen and running at you at once. That feeling of discovering your first Horde — the world has many of them — coming over the brow of a hill or feeding in a pit, is a hard feeling to beat.

    The freakers are often found dotted around the world in most places — especially at night — but Hordes will travel in a large pack between a water source, a feeding pit and their daytime refuge — a nearby cave normally. Choosing when and where to attack will depend very much on your confidence and fighting preferences.

    One thing I will say is that these Horde battles can get unbearably tough at times (and long) — especially on higher difficulties. Being chased by hundreds of freakers often means that more will be pulled into that group as you pass by the other freakers just wandering the world.

    I had one fight recently on my new game plus that lasted just less than an hour, and I barely made it out alive.


    Days Gone is as beautiful as it is deadly. With many of the familiar parts of a traditional open world game — bandit camps, collectables, side quests and varying storylines — this game still manages to carve out its own niche within that genre.

    It’s in a league of its own. And although it can be very occasionally buggy, the amount of stunning moments this game holds, greatly outweighs it’s very few flaws.

    If you like Open World games and Horror, you need to be checking out Days Gone.

  • This is very special 💚

  • If you’re commenting on The Last Of Us Part 2 with criticism “Bad Storytelling”, then you don’t know what Storytelling is.

    Get your dummies back in your prams, accept that you simply didn’t like it (bet most of you didn’t play it), and just move on.

    It’s okay not to like something.

  • California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and the Papas

    Stopped into a church I passed along the way.
    Well, I got down on my knees (got down on my knees) And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray)

    California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and the Papas

    Something in this song feels haunting to me. I can’t quite place my finger on it. It could be the way that each of their voices meets in that ethereal plane that few bands have managed to reach – a sound that I associate with the golden age of music, at least in my opinion.

    I remember watching part of a film in college film studies called “Chungking Express“, which featured this song prominently. I never really paid attention to that film, but I can’t help but feel I should go back and watch it now I’m older and… wiser?

  • Really need to get back on these. Still haven’t played the 4th one at all.

  • Started to learn Rust

    Today is the day when I finally started to learn a new programming language — one that I have never touched before. I had briefly touched on and considered Go. However, I have settled on Rust.

    It is the first compiled language that I have started to learn and am looking forward to the challenges it will bring.

    I will also be doing my best to blog about things I learn — much of it probably in more of a brain-dump format — to both help others as well as reinforcing my own learning.

  • Days Gone has been absolutely incredible. Couple of buggy moments but on the whole loved the whole game and loving my hunt for the platinum trophy

  • If I start rebuilding my website in Laravel yet again, I really need to see it through and commit to it. If the last couple of weeks have taught me anything it’s that I love working with Laravel.

    Let’s see how this goes.

  • Gorgeous Tomie fan art — watercolour on fabriano

    Tomie fan art – watercolor on fabriano

    Via Nikki Marie on Facebook.

    This watercolour picture of Tomie is really beautiful. I just had to save and share it.

  • Generic Excuse meme

    Generic excuse meme
  • Envy horror manga short by Paul Rikky Talbot

    Envy horror manga short by Paul Rikky Talbot

    Via Paul Rikky Talbot on Facebook.

    I absolutely love this one-page horror manga story by Paul.

  • Army of One fan art in red ink

    Natsuko from Junji Ito’s Army of One – fan art in red ink

    Via Guillen Cardenas Luis on Facebook.

  • High School Lara

    High School Lara

    Discovered this fan-made screenshot of Lara Croft with a big cheesy grin. 😀

  • Sebastian Cabrol — Argentinian illustrator

    I discovered this artist a while back on Facebook. However, like most things my reminder of him sat hidden in my saved posts — hence my page here.

    These are the initial images that I was shown in that first post. I will title them as I learn them and find some favourites when I become more versed in Sebastian’s work.

    Quick Facts

    • Sebastian has worked on Marvel comic ‘Falcon’ – His issues.

    External Links





If you want to search, or just get an overview of my stuff, the explore page is a good place to start.

Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.

I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.

Album on repeat

All of my collected posts, grouped by year.