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  • Awesome Junji Ito inspired art by Jack Batty

    I have just come across this awesome artwork by an artist called Jack Batty. He has drawn a number of really cool Junji Ito inspired pieces, which I definitely think you should check out.

    I really love his style. He even manages to make someone like Fuchi from Fashion Model look… well… cute.


    Jack Batty’s Tumblr.

    Jack Batty’s Instagram.

  • Lucky fan gets Junji Ito’s autograph on her back. (via Reddit)

    Original link. Imagine having the master himself drawing on to your back like this (or on a t-shirt more precisely). Imagine the look on this very lucky fan’s face as he does it. She must be over the moon. 🙂

  • I think I prefer reading on a Kindle

    I have always tried to maintain the belief that reading novels from physical books is always the best way to go. And whilst there is something to be said about a physical living breathing book that can’t run out of batteries, I have found something interesting with my kindle.

    When im reading a book, I always tend to see how big a chapter is before I start it – even if I have plenty of time to hand to read. And the size of the book tends to begin intimidating me when it is over a decent size.

    But with the second book of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, The Drawing of the Three, I have whizzed through 60 pages out of the 513 total. And it didn’t feel like it.

    I think it takes 2 to 3 kindle pages to equal a page in the physical book with my current text size settings. And I think because of that — and the fact I’ve not had the rest of the book sitting in my hands daring me to put it down for a bit — I have just read with a much greater ease.

    I think my kindle could be my default method of reading moving forward.

  • Started reading The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower 2) by Stephen King

    The Drawing of the Three book cover

    Only yesterday I started on IT, but have decided to keep my concentration on The Dark Tower series. I really wanna see where this series goes.

  • Started reading IT by Stephen King

    One of the earliest films I remember seeing was the 2-part mini-series of Stephen King’s IT. IT scared the undying crap out of me when I was about 6 or 7.

    Now, many years later, I have decided to actually read the novel before part 2 of the new 2-part films is out.



    Edit: After reading 50 pages, although enjoying it, I have decided to concentrate on The Dark Tower series for a while.

  • The Gunslinger – The Dark Tower part 1

    Artwork by Michael Whelan

    Some thoughts of mine after finishing the first book of Stephen King’s epic series ‘The Dark Tower’.

    It took me to my second attempt to actually read this book to completion. And although it started off as a bit of a chore, by about a third in I found myself drawn in to the Gunslinger and his pursue of the Man in Black.

    I found the story to be a slow burn — an ongoing pursuit interspersed with necessary backstory of the titular character. And I mean that in a good way. I have the feeling that this is going to be a build up over a long time — especially knowing that how many books there are now in this series.

    I found it really intriguing how the Gunslinger and the boy he finds, Jake, interact. Their relationship seemed to be building into an interesting one and really hope that it can somehow be explored further. Somehow.

    And Jake’s history too. His origin that spoke of New York in some other world, or that’s what I presumed. Yet the world in which we follow the Gunslinger seems to be in some post-war-ravaged, desolate future of the very same Earth.

    Whatever ends up happening, and however this crossing at the nexus of realities is explored, I’m looking forward to the ride it brings.

  • I’ve started watching Scream Queens, finally

    I’ve been a fan of American Horror Story for a few years now – since Hotel first aired. So you’d think I’d have been all over Scream Queens too, given it was also created in part by both Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy.

    But for some strange reason, known only to me I guess, I have only just decided to sit down and watch it.

    And it is freakin’ incredible!

    The comic timing and sense of humour is on point in the pilot episode. So often it seemed I found myself being played like a fiddle at the whims of the creators. I found myself laughing out loud and then becoming appalled at myself for what I was laughing at.

    All of the actors and actresses involved were fun to watch, but I have to give a special shout-out to original scream queen herself, Jamie Lee Curtis. I’m so happy she is in this show and can’t wait to see what part she ultimately plays. And of course, one of my favourite American Horror Story alumni, Emma Roberts as the super-fucking-bitch Chanel.

    Chanel – As pleasant as she’s gonna get

    Emma Roberts is so bloody disgusting in this show and yet I can’t help but love her character. She is so much fun to watch just being an incredibly evil person to those around her. And something tells me that she won’t get her just desserts any time soon.

    I feel as though Scream Queens fell under the radar a bit, especially when compared to it’s mature older cousin American Horror Story. But just from this opening pilot alone I have found it just as entertaining, if not even more so.

    There were some great musical moments too – something I’ve just come to expect from these guys. And some awesome song choices too — especially the opening song by Bat For Lashes — ‘What’s A Girl To Do?’.

    If I hadn’t have had to get up early the next morning I’d probably have watched the next two or three episodes back to back. I guess I will have to wait.

    Scream Queens is going to make a great show to keep my juices flowing ready for American Horror Story: 1984 in September.

    I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to actually get started on it.

  • I’m working double shifts at my freelance gardening job – I’m raking it in.

  • Started reading The Dark Tower series

    I started reading The Gunslinger about a year ago but only got about half way through.

    After someone at work mentioned The Dark Tower series today, I was inspired to pick it back up and try again.

    Here goes…

  • Neon Demon posters

    The Neon Demon is one of my favourite films of recent years. I wrote up my thoughts on it a while back. Here are some of my favourite posters that I’ve found, created by other fans of the film.

  • Archie === Best dog ever ?

    Archie during my dog-sitting week.

    Woof woof! Woof!

    Archie, circa 2019

  • Welcome to the Junji Ito Manga Site

    The Junji Ito Manga Site is my dedication to the works of acclaimed Horror Manga artist and writer, Junji Ito.

    Ever since I read my first manga, The Enigma of Amigara Fault, I was hooked on Junji Ito’s work. I couldn’t quite describe the feelings that his work gave me.

    I was unsettled;

    I was excited;

    and I loved it.

    After writing about his, and other artists’, works on my other website, the Horror Manga Site, I have decided to focus in on just Ito’s work for now. Hence this new website.

    Early days

    It is still early days and so the website itself still needs some work. However, it is working fine and all of my posts can now be read.

    There are just some style tweaks I’d like to make.

    Future Plans

    I will be looking to add reviews for all of Ito’s manga stories over the coming months, as well as the Anime and Films that have been based on his work.

    I’d also like to share cool cosplays and fan art that I come across too, with full credit given to the creators of course.

    I’m very excited about what the next year and beyond could bring with this site and would love for you all to join me on this journey.

    Thank You

    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who have supported me throughout my writing on the Horror Manga Site. I appreciate each and every one of you and am looking forward to bringing you even more from here going forwards.

    All the best to all of you,


  • Watching Archer again

    Cheryl and Archer

    Loving the recent formats of the TV series Archer. Finally got back into watching it – Dreamland was great and just about to start Danger Island.

  • I’m finally back into American Horror Story Apocalypse

    Micheal, eat your heart out

    Once again, I have left the current series of American Horror Story until months after it has finished airing. I think it must be something inside me that doesn’t want to reach the end.

    Last night I watched four episodes back to back — and I absolutely loved it. The old characters that have been making appearances have been so great. And the music, as always, is terrific.

    Can’t wait to see how this series wraps up, and of course to begin 1984 in a few months time.

  • Snow White adaptation by Junji Ito

    Most people probably know the story of Snow White — the seven dwarfs; the poison apple; the prince. But I bet not many know of this version by acclaimed horror Mangaka Junji Ito.

    A short version but not one to be missed.

    Read on Manga Owl.



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Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.

I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.

Album on repeat

All of my collected posts, grouped by year.