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  • Rest in Peace David Lynch

    Gutted to hear that David Lynch has died.

    Easily in my top three film directors. Possibly even the top spot.

    Seeing Inland Empire in the cinema in 2006 (I think) completely blew me away. It still haunts me to this day. And turned me on to the music of Chrysta Bell.

    Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet.

    The guy was an immense talent.

    Rest in peace Mr Lynch.

    Crazy Clown Time.

    The owls are not what they seem.


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  • ↬mastodon.ar.al/@aral/113842764942727292

    I’ve been playing Cyberpunk 2077, which is set in a dystopian future like Robocop on steroids.

    Why does our world feel like its heading that way.

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  • The new styling updates for the “friends” WordPress plugin default theme is looking great.

    It legit feels as though I’m just on mastodon or some other social website. Except it’s my own website on my own domain.

    Couple that with the WordPress activitypub plugin that makes all my public posts visible on the fediverse, and you’ve got pretty much the perfect personal website base. 💚

  • ↬mastodon.social/@malarkey/113831427098952781

    I read that with the emphasis on the word “I’m”. Like some strange Spartacus-related dream.

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  • Built up £15 in Morrisons vouchers. #AMA

  • the activitypub plugin for wordpress really is incredible. It means I don’t need a separate mastodon account to be a part of the social web going forward. And coupled with the Friends plugin to follow others, I really can do most of my interactions online via my own website. 💚

  • ↬mastodon.social/@pfefferle/113826276182609558

    not a problem at all . Rollback was smooth and can re update now.

    just appreciate this plugin existing. It’s great to be able to be my own fediverse node.

    completely expect and appreciate some issues with development.

    thanks again .

  • I may be ready to take a break from metal music. Instead I’m going to try and soak up as music classical music as I can.

    Starting tonight with Moonlight Sonata. Always reminds me of the original Resident Evil game. It’s the tune that Rebecca or Jill have to play on the piano to open a secret doorway.

    They were the good old days. Keys in the shapes of card suits and attacks by terrifying hunters. 💚🧟‍♀️

  • I’ve been ignoring AI out of a sheer tiredness of hearing it from every corner of the web / tv / etc.

    But damn it if it hasn’t been helpful in me making updates and new features to my website.

    Due to not having much free time at the moment, or for the foreseeable future, it’s nigh on impossible to really sit and focus on learning something for extended periods of time.

    But with using an AI assistant for the specific issues each step of the way, it’s helped both with getting it done, and my understanding it easier – especially when a lot of my personal coding is done whilst I’m cooking dinner of an evening.

    My specific build has been a new plugin for my WordPress website; one that automatically imports my scrobbles from last fm – an itch I’ve been wanting to scratch for a long time.

  • People at my local supermarket are bulk buying because of us *possibly* having *a little bit of* snow.

    Honestly I have to laugh or I’ll just cry at people.

    Carry on; all is fine.

  • ↬mastodon.social/@_elena/113759474706190446

    you’re making me seriously want to switch back to a self hosted yunohost instance again. Only thing that stopped me was the server cost I was using.

  • Reblog of Aral Balkan:

    Reblog via Aral Balkan


    A picture really can paint a thousand words.



If you want to search, or just get an overview of my stuff, the explore page is a good place to start.

Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.

I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.

Album on repeat

All of my collected posts, grouped by year.