Lloyds bank staff sat on train look to have same branding guidelines as the train. Just saying.
100 Days : Day Eight (93)
Playing through The Last of Us again. I think that this is the first game since final fantasy 7 where I’ve started it again as soon as I completed it. This time I felt more bad ass because I know the enemy patterns and what to expect when.
Listened to Foxes’ new album today. Is pretty good on first and second listen, which reminds me I still need to write up my favourite albums of 2015.
Tickets have been booked for me, Aaron and Dwayne to go see Chas and Dave in April.
📂 Journal -
100 Days : Day Seven (94)
Decided to Install Windows 7 back on to my P.C. as the primary operating system, then run GNU/Linux within virtualbox. Thought I’d give steam games on windows another go as I’ve got 8gb of ram sat there not really doing much. This way all my development stuff can be encapsulated within the virtual machine.
Also looks like I could be going to see Chas & Dave in a couple of months. I’d never heard much of their music until I started working at PM Connect. I gotta say they are growing on me.
📂 Journal