Off to watch Terminator Genesys. From what I’ve heard I expect to be disappointed but I’m going to try and keep an open mind.
I ain’t happy unless I’m tinkering. Re-installing Windows 7 then gonna use vagrant for dev stuff.
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Finally got into the Louvre. Kinda queue-jumped a bit. I’m not proud of it but it did get us out of the sun.
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About to board the plane. Almost won a Minecraft Steve toy in some game that took me for £3.
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There and back again: a quick trip to London
Me and Lizzie have just spent two nights in London. It just so happens that the day we were there was the hottest day for a while in British weather – creeping up to the high 30s.It was unbearable.We went down as part of her Birthday present – to see the opera, Carmen, at the London Coliseum. The only thing I knew about Carmen was the three or four line summary wikipedia – cultured, I know – which actually ended up spoiling the ending for me.
Nevertheless it was a great show and it means I can now say I’ve been to the opera.
I did feel sorry for the little girl sat in front of me who was trying her best to sleep quietly — taken along by her family perhaps — and ending up sliding off her chair on to the floor.
The morning of that day we had spent at London Zoo — a first time for us both. The guy at the ticket office loved my T-shirt (Lost Boys Cover); I liked him. In fact all the staff I spoke to were really friendly.
I think my favourite part of the zoo was the free-roaming spider room. It was basically a medium sized greenhouse-like area that you followed round, which had many golden orb spiders loose. There was a second species which may have been a Madagascan spider, but I’m not 100% sure.
Again, the lady working in there was super friendly — she was telling me how the big golden orb spiders were the females and the tiny ones were the males. The male’s job in life is to mate and run — or get eaten.
What a choice.
📂 Journal🏷️ London 2015