Pinhead as a birthday party clown.
The original artwork for the Japanese poster of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange.
image found on twitter: here.
Is our technology creating more idiots than ever? The amount of people I’m seeing sat in public places taking pictures of themselves pulling a stupid face is increasing. The term ‘selfie’ makes me cringe.
Owl Carousel has renewed my faith in using them. Very easy to use. Thats not to say I think all websites should have one though.
Walking Dead double bill 1 of 2 down. I actually liked that episode. The barn scene was intense.
Instead of posting to multiple silos – Twitter; Facebook; Flickr, and then pulling in that data to your website with all manner of widgets – consider posting all of your online content to your website first. This way you can choose which content should share to which silo(s)
If you want to search, or just get an overview of my stuff, the explore page is a good place to start.
Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.
I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.
Album on repeat
Blog Categories
All of my collected posts, grouped by year.