“This is a unix system, i know this” clicks on a 3d image of a building and doors lock
My new site is almost ready! Just need to change statics files for jekyll framework and customize a wufoo form. But first… Walking dead.
📂 Journal -
Really excited about my redesigned website. A lot more focused it feels. Hoping to get it out by mid week next week.
📂 Journal🏷️ My Website -
So tescos have decided to do work all night which will probably keep me up all night. Awesome!!!
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Oh my god. Mental micky is gonna be at this months memorabilia fair in birmingham. #idotheonetwothreefours
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Redesigning website using atomic design concepts. Has helped me so much in designing a much more succinct design.
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…’glimmer’, in the fictional film, is the name of a comporation and felt similar to silver shamrock in halloween 3 season of the witch.
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Just woke to nightmare of fictional eighties horror ‘glimmer’ where @Markgatiss and @stevepemberton were aliens dressed as busnessmen…
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