Overheard on train: yo famm, amma knock ya out talking dat shit. Ah dont care wheriya, ennit?
Keeping it up: Day 8
Today is the first day of an exciting week – London for two days followed by Paris for 6 days. I don’t think its hit me yet that I’m going on holiday, but I’m sure it will once we land.I’m looking forward to walking the streets of Paris in the hot sunshine with my good lady and getting lost down some side streets. Last time I went to Paris I went alone, for a concert, so it will be nice this time to share the time.Before all that is London Zoo and Carmen at the ENO. Never been to either so that’ll be an experience.
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The Terminator on the big screen – wow. One of the best cinema experiences I’ve ever had. I felt 5 years old again.
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Keeping it up: Day 7
Another day of feeling like crap today.Didn’t really get anything done, which annoys me. I just watched a bunch of interviews with Clive Barker, which led me to finally read his short story, Jacqueline Ess: Her last will and testiment. A really great story – part of the Books of Blood volume 2.I then went on to watch a couple of interviews with Steve Jobs. I’ve never been a fan of Apple products, except for the iPod, but he was an inspiring guy.As I did a quick search for Jacqueline Ess to make sure I’d spelt it right, I found out that Lena Headey will be playing the titular character in a film that is currently in the works.
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Keeping it up: Day 6
Today was the first day of the monthly street food market in the Jewellery Quarter. I had a tasty meatball sub – The bad boy I think it was called. It was one of them foods on a roll that just had to be eaten with a fork. It was messy. Tasty, but messy.I finished watching the first series of Inside No 9 tonight. Those guys really do push television into dark realms that others just wouldnt dare go. The end scene with the school girl strapped to a chair in her underwear as a near-deformed man is about to pass on the devil that has possessed him for 50 years. Dark, dark places.I’m really looking forward to seeing The Terminator tomorrow night at Star City. The original masterpiece up on the big screen. Its gonna be great. I just hope my cough clears up a bit.Oh and I’ve just bought tickets to see Kacey Musgraves in Birmingham in November. Yay!
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