Keeping it up: Day 5
I’ve not been keeping it up, have I?(phrasing)Try and try again I shall.Tonight I saw the first episode of humans – very good it was. It’s interesting to see exactly what it means to be ‘human’ – to have consciousness. The acting was great – I even tried making a cup of tea like a robot afterwards and it’s actually harder than it seems. It will be interesting to see where the show goes – especially as dark elements have already begun to creep in.Later on I ended up listening to an old episode of Cabin Pressure – Qikiqtarjuaq. It’s been about a year since I first heard this series and had forgotten how good it is. Benedict Cumberbatch is probably best known for playing Sherlock in the BBC series, but one should also check him out in Cabin Pressure. He, along with the rest of the cast, have incredible chemistry in one of the funniest series I’ve ever heard.
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Dudley Zoo — June 2015
A sleepy bear A VERY sleepy bear Blake the Harris Hawk Lemur in the tree Dudley castle from below Great grey owl Kaiser the Owl Lemur with babies Lone Penguin Meerkat baby Otters Peacock on patrol Penguin bay Percy the bearded dragon Red-tailed green rat snake Lemur up close Riot Single Mingo Tired Lynx Sleepy Lynx Sumatran Tiger Lynx Tiger closer up Wallabies Yellow Mongoose 📂 Journal -
Keeping it up: Day 4
Today’s been a naff day. I’ve felt pretty aweful with this sore throat and cough. Please – send me no flowers.I’m looking forward to later tonight when I’ll get to watch the Game of Thrones series finale for the second time – I’m more looking forward to how my girlfriend reacts to the outcome of certain characters. I have the responsibility of warning her just before any gruesome bits happen – the temptation not to torments me, but I will do my duty.Tomorrow we are taking her mom to Dudley Zoo, which should be nice – hopefully I can kick some of this cough before then. Looking forward to getting some good snappy snaps of the animals. Here’s hoping we have some nice weather.
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Inside no 9 is one of the best TV shows I’ve discovered recently. A quiet night in is such an amazing episode.
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