• Endless horror games. Endless nightmares.

  • Just spent 2 hours watching the live red carpet event of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I’ve now had the Star Wars bug reignited in me.

  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01qf925

  • Updated to PHP7 and got white screen where was fine before. It was @laravelphp blade comment block causing. Deleting comment block fixed it. Just mentioned in case anybody else had a similar issue.

  • placeseagal.com is live. If you build websites and need a placeholder image generator, let seagal help! /@sseagalofficial /@rmlocke Edit 7th February 2021: Place Seagal hasn’t been live for a few years now.

  • https://flexboxfroggy.com/

  • The intro to Bat out of Hell 2 is fucking awesome. Oh and I miss-spelt Meat Loaf earlier – it’s 2 words not 1.

  • When people think of MeatLoaf Meat Loaf, it’s normally the ‘Bat out of hell’ albums. Check out the album ‘Midnight at the lost and found’. Its great.

  • Haha. I’ve already got a working example up and running locally. I can not wait to launch this – it’s a software as a service!

  • What’s that? You love Steven Seagal? AND you love placeholder images for web design? Okay, give me a little time…

  • I’m thinking of an interesting challenge to set myself with my new website. I’m thinking about setting up posts that will get published at a particular time – once a week – and my challenge is to have it finished…

  • I really wanted to get my first review published tonight but I’ve had to bite my tongue. Really want these to be the best that I can write before hitting the published button. My own website is where I can…

  • โ€œKill V. Maimโ€ is written from the perspective of Al Pacino in The Godfather Pt II. Except heโ€™s a vampire who can switch gender and travel through space.

  • From the moment I first heard her previous album, “Ultraviolence”, I was hooked. Honeymoon then became my most anticipated album of 2015. And I was not disappointed. From the moment the first strings on the title song began, I could…

  • It’s actually really hard trying to write an album review. It’s forcing me to listen harder to albums though.

  • Good job they were pretend chips. This year’s secret Santa I had a girl I’ve never met. So I got her seagalogy.